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Writer's picture: Pageant LeadershipPageant Leadership

Was the last supper Jesus’ last meal on earth? Does it mean he has not been eating for 2,000 years? Does he eat alone without his father or the angels? The Bible says he will not eat of this meal again until it is fulfilled in the Kingdom of God. This Last Supper with his disciples represents his last meal he eats with his created beings until he eats it in heaven with his people, until God’s plan is fulfilled in our redemption. It points back to the Passover meal eaten in Egypt and it points forward to the wedding meal with the lamb.

The first Passover meal was marked by pestilence, disease and death. This meal in Egypt marked a change in the journey for the children of Israel. Jesus’ last supper with his disciples marked a great change in their lives from tyrannical rule to freedom in Christ. In the book, A Meal with Jesus, Tim Chester writes, “Jesus didn’t run projects, establish ministries or put on events. He ate meals.” Jesus’ way was easy, focused. How meaningful it is that we can wash hands and feet of dirty unpleasant things today to enter into a meal of communion with Jesus.

I’m not a very social person, but I do appreciate an invitation to a meal. First there is the invitation. It tells us what we need to know. The invitation tells us how to dress and what time it will begin. Sometimes it lays out the schedule of the event. Does it begin with a mingle time, appetizers or entertainment? This meal or party could be a lavish feast like one at a wedding or it could be an intimate meal of soup and bread with your family. The invitation will tell us where the meal is. We might use Google Maps to find our way or maybe it’s in a place we know well and our cars can go there on auto pilot.

My family likes to have big family dinners. We don’t have them often, but when we have them, they are good! I’m blessed to be in a family of great cooks. We each have our specialties and use quality ingredients and make things from scratch. The meal includes deviled eggs, fantastic salads, savory dishes, dessert buffets, and vegetable plates with Ranch dip. In Texas you have to have the Ranch!

Have you been feeling the effects of social isolation. What are YOU feeding on today, right now? Is your meal made up of the news, social media, and text warnings from friends? Can you say that you “feed” on the Word of God? Should you eat more of the WORD and less of the WORLD? Decide today that you will eat a meal of communion with Jesus and less of everything else. The invitation is in the Bible. He sets the table with a feast in the middle of your enemies.

When we participate in the last supper communion today, it marks a change in our present journey of a life that has emptiness and difficulty to one that is filled with closeness to those we are eating with. You may not be able to eat with family or friends right now. It may only be in the company of the Spirit. We do not understand everything that is being done. But one day we will. Jesus promised it.

Revelation 19:9 announces the invitation, “Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!”We won’t enjoy large family meals or parties with friends again until all is well. When we gather around that great table in heaven with Jesus, ALL WILL BE WELL!

Written by Kristi Amparan, Resurrection Pageant Director

Writer's picture: Pageant LeadershipPageant Leadership

Updated: Apr 6, 2020

Each year on the morning of the Resurrection Pageant I wake up early and head to the campus of Southwestern Adventist University and the Keene Church, to get my mind in the right head space for the pageant. There is nothing quite like walking around the university campus and watching the marketplace participants start rolling in, setting up their booths, putting signs up, getting fences in place, and bringing the animals in. I look around the rest of the scenes and soak it all in. Then I say a silent prayer, thanking God for the opportunity He has given to serve this remarkable story of salvation.

The cast and support staff begin to trickle in about 8:00 a.m. As we prepare for the first performance at 8:45 the butterflies have moved into our stomachs. Even though I'm not a cast member I can relate to the nervousness the actors feel when when the first performance begins.

As we go throughout the day I see the crowds growing larger and larger. Confidence grows in the cast as they have for more performances, take a breath, and begin to relax. I continue to watch the people who have come to see the pageant and my heart is moved when I see children completely engaged in the story unfolding before their eyes. I notice the mother who wipes away tears as she hears the crowd screaming “Crucify Him!”. I see the father embracing his child close to his chest at the crucifixion scene, not quite sure how to explain to his curious child why Jesus was just nailed to a cross.

In these hidden moments that some may consider unremarkable, I realize how much of an impact the Resurrection Pageant has on those who come to witness the greatest story ever told. The story of how our God gave up His one and only Son to become a human being, and come to this world to live a perfect life only to be hated, spit on, and killed by the very ones He created. The story comes to life in a special way that impacts the hearts of people who may have never been told about Jesus or have not experienced His presence. What the pageant does, touches lives, that goes on for much longer than the 2 ½ hours of the performance.

A couple of years ago I recorded some audio interviews with people who were willing to chat with me after the final resurrection scene. In our conversations I heard voices trembling, hearts rejoicing, and lives transformed by the power of Jesus’ gift of salvation. One person I spoke with, told me how they had just heard about the pageant the day before—they lived in Houston and decided last minute to make the 4+ hour drive to Keene, to be a part of the pageant. I saw tears in their eyes and I knew their hearts were touched.

It's not always easy to understand how powerful an impact, something that we do, can have on others, whether in a positive or negative way. I am grateful to be a part of something so powerful that it can truly change lives and draw others closer to our Creator.

Written by Jorge Velez, Resurrection Pageant Marketing Staff

Writer's picture: Pageant LeadershipPageant Leadership

Updated: Apr 5, 2020

Just a few weeks ago earth was in winter.

Little by little the dark trees began to form pale green buds. Next there were blossoms, tiny leaves that soon gave way to deep green leaves. Spring had followed winter, as it has done since sin entered the world thousands of years ago. What was dead comes to life when love whispers to it “wake up.”

Earth is healed of death every spring. Why would we, God’s very creation, not be healed from illness or death? Healing is not only removal of disease. It is restoring ourselves to God.

The Bible is so full of scripture about healing. These verses of healing include BOTH physical healing AND spiritual healing together. Can they even be separated?

Miracles of healing from Jesus went hand in hand with the gospel sharing. Every village he went to included teaching, preaching and healing. There was nothing Jesus could not heal. How about worry? Do you have worry today? Worry can be healed. Shift your focus.

Blogger Maria Wolf writes, “Jesus enters in the midst of ALL circumstances. Sickness is just another opportunity to draw near to him.”

In Jesus own words he asks and answers “Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Then come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me. For all that I require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear.” Matthew 11:28-30 TPL

When my son was a little boy, he had severe asthma. I remember praying in the middle of the night as I lay in a heap beside his bed. I told God I could not handle this; it was too much to see him struggling for breath and his chest heaving. Within a few hours he began to breathe in and out freely and from that day on he NEVER experienced a severe asthma attack again. I gave my burden to Jesus. Jesus gave physical healing to my son and filled me with spiritual healing. I felt the healing.

What about when healing doesn’t come? Maybe we are not healed because we are stronger in weakness. Remember that when healing does not come, Jesus still takes the burden. We can be assured of that promise. Even today in this modern age Jesus offers healing of our bodies, minds and hearts.

I recently came across this quote, “One life. Just one. Why aren’t we running like we are on fire towards our wildest dreams?” Now don’t get all crazy about the semantics or philosophy behind the quote. We can debate it much. What is the most important thing in my life? For me it is connection with my creator God, his son Jesus and the Spirit given for comfort and influence. What about you?

How do we have that connection in this crazy world and all the distractions of life? Jesus is the name to remember. Call out to him and he will ask, “What is it you want me to do for you?” Then just tell him, Lord I want my sight! He whispers to you, “Wake up. I love you.” I can see him running to heal you and me!

Written by Kristi Amparan, Resurrection Pageant Director


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