Just a few weeks ago earth was in winter.
Little by little the dark trees began to form pale green buds. Next there were blossoms, tiny leaves that soon gave way to deep green leaves. Spring had followed winter, as it has done since sin entered the world thousands of years ago. What was dead comes to life when love whispers to it “wake up.”

Earth is healed of death every spring. Why would we, God’s very creation, not be healed from illness or death? Healing is not only removal of disease. It is restoring ourselves to God.
The Bible is so full of scripture about healing. These verses of healing include BOTH physical healing AND spiritual healing together. Can they even be separated?
Miracles of healing from Jesus went hand in hand with the gospel sharing. Every village he went to included teaching, preaching and healing. There was nothing Jesus could not heal. How about worry? Do you have worry today? Worry can be healed. Shift your focus.
Blogger Maria Wolf writes, “Jesus enters in the midst of ALL circumstances. Sickness is just another opportunity to draw near to him.”
In Jesus own words he asks and answers “Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Then come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me. For all that I require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear.” Matthew 11:28-30 TPL

When my son was a little boy, he had severe asthma. I remember praying in the middle of the night as I lay in a heap beside his bed. I told God I could not handle this; it was too much to see him struggling for breath and his chest heaving. Within a few hours he began to breathe in and out freely and from that day on he NEVER experienced a severe asthma attack again. I gave my burden to Jesus. Jesus gave physical healing to my son and filled me with spiritual healing. I felt the healing.
What about when healing doesn’t come? Maybe we are not healed because we are stronger in weakness. Remember that when healing does not come, Jesus still takes the burden. We can be assured of that promise. Even today in this modern age Jesus offers healing of our bodies, minds and hearts.
I recently came across this quote, “One life. Just one. Why aren’t we running like we are on fire towards our wildest dreams?” Now don’t get all crazy about the semantics or philosophy behind the quote. We can debate it much. What is the most important thing in my life? For me it is connection with my creator God, his son Jesus and the Spirit given for comfort and influence. What about you?
How do we have that connection in this crazy world and all the distractions of life? Jesus is the name to remember. Call out to him and he will ask, “What is it you want me to do for you?” Then just tell him, Lord I want my sight! He whispers to you, “Wake up. I love you.” I can see him running to heal you and me!
Written by Kristi Amparan, Resurrection Pageant Director