Note: This is the first in a 2 part blog post series by Pastor Travis Patterson
Two men deeply encountered Jesus that week. One had passion, the other held a position. One knew Jesus pretty well. The other only knew of Him. They both, however, experienced a dark night that would haunt them for years to come. Which one are you most like?

Simon Peter should have been the hero of that night. He honestly tried to be. He was part of the inner circle, the closest of the close. He had seen miracle after miracle for 3 and ½ years. Jesus had healed his mother-in-law. At Jesus’ invitation, Peter had walked on water when nobody else dared. He was allowed to see Moses and Elijah shining on the mountain with Jesus. Privileged Peter. If I had scripted passion week, I would have put Peter as the spirited leader, boldly rallying the disciples to Christ’s defense through His arrest and crucifixion.
But perhaps, like Peter, you’ve had some “should have” moments of your own: “I should have told him I loved him, but I was rushed”. “I should have taken time to go help them...” “I should never have done that to her! How could I be so stupid?” Pain and guilt linger when we think these words. So you understand that’s not how it happened. Peter cowardly follows at a distance, fearing for his life. When confronted as a possible disciple, his mouth denounces any association with his best Friend and Master. Increasing pressure causes Peter to deny Jesus louder and with curses, just as he hears the prophetic rooster crow. And Jesus’ soul-piercing glance cuts through him like a two-edged sword. He went out and “wept bitterly” (Mt 26:75)

Peter was redeemed from his mistake after Jesus resurrected! One morning, Peter saw His Savior on the beach making breakfast for them. He jumped fully clothed into the water to get to Jesus. The most delicious bite Peter swallowed that morning was the serving of grace dished up by Jesus for breakfast. Three times--once for each of His denials-- Jesus lovingly gave Peter the chance to assert His love for Him. Three times Peter agreed. This time He would get it right! Christ’s simple command after each of Peter’s affirmations: “Feed my Sheep.” Yes, Christ was calling Peter back into ministry.
If you have let God down, learn from Peter: run to Him and assert your love for Him. Let Him feed your soul with the assurance of His forgiveness. May it then propel you forward into living out His love towards everyone you meet!
Written by Travis Patterson, Pastor for Children & Family Ministries at the Keene Seventh-day Adventist Church